Data flows
B - C - D | Zones
(B - table)
| Assessment regimes
(C - table)
| Assessment regimes - methods (C - table) | Measurement
(D - table)
Data Flows
E1 - G | Statistics
(E1a - table)
| Models
(D1b/E1b - table)
| Attainment
(G - table)
| Attainment - methods
(G - table)
Data flows
H - I - J - K | Plans
(H - table)
| Source apportionment
(I - table)
| Scenarios
(J - table) | Measures
(K - table) |
Combined data flows | Compliance and plans
(G/H - table)
| Compliance and measures
(G/K - table) | | |
Raw data download | Download Airbase
| Download E1a
(from 2013)
| Download E2a
(current year)
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